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Drug Take Back Collection on 4/29/17

DATE & TIME: 4/29/17 1000-1400                 

LOCATION: Gage County Sheriff's Office                          

EVENT: Drug Take Back                   


On April 29, 2017 the Gage County Sheriff’s Office participated in the National Drug Take-Back Day sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Between 1000-1400 hours on this date, and also by collecting throughout the year with the new Prescription Drug Take-Back Box, the Gage County Sheriff’s Office collected 160 pounds of unused/unwanted prescription medication that was turned over to our office for safe disposal. Of the 160 pounds28 pounds of the items turned in were Schedule 4 or lower prescription drugs. We would like to thank everyone that participated in this program and came out on this cold, windy, and rainy day. Everyone that participated made the day and this year one of the most successful events we have put on.


The Gage County Sheriff’s Office would like to show a special gratitude to Christina Lyons and the M.A.P.S. Program for continuing to help fund and support the program. We would also like to thank Deines Pharmacy and Clabaugh’s Pharmacy for helping promote our event and spreading the word to people about how to safely dispose of their unused/unwanted prescription medication.


The Gage County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone again that if they would like to have any unused or unwanted prescription removed from their household and disposed of, they can contact our office for help year round. The Gage County Sheriff’s Office does offer a Prescription Drug Drop Box that is available 24/7/365 in the lobby at the Gage County Sheriff’s Office. This drop box is free and completely confidential to anyone who wishes to drop off any unused or unwanted prescription medications. We will also be acquiring a larger 30 gallon Prescription Drug Take-Back which will be replacing the smaller one currently located at our office. With the success of the box we currently have, we felt a larger box was necessary to hold the amount of prescription drugs that are being dropped off. Again, we would like to send a special thanks to Christina Lyons of the M.A.P.S. Program for making it possible for purchasing this. This larger box will be located in the same spot where our smaller one is currently located in the lobby at the Gage County Sheriff’s Office.  


If you decide to contact our office about the drop box or have questions about disposing any prescription medication, please call Sergeant Schley #9035 at 402-223-5222 EXT. 209 and leave a message with your name, number, and the reason you are calling. You can also email Sergeant Schley at Thanks again to everyone who helped make this program a continued success.

Sheriff Millard “Gus” Gustafson #903

Sergeant Brandon Schley #9035