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Suspicious Incident / Bones Found

DATE & TIME: 04-23-2023 / 4:16 pm 

LOCATION: Rural Adams, Nebraska

OFFENSE: Suspicious Incident / Bones Found

CASE #: 2023-1862                

On Sunday, 04-23-2023, shortly after 4:00 pm the Gage County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to an area east of Adams on East Birch Road for a suspicious incident involving a citizen who had been “mushroom hunting” and had come across some children’s shoes, a child’s toy, and some skeletal bones and/or other ossified material in a copse of trees south of Birch Road.  The caller was concerned because the bones appeared to be a rib cage and spine of a small child.

An investigator responded to the scene, interviewed the reporting party, and was taken to the site where the person had found the items. 

The investigator surveyed the scene and was able to consult with the Nebraska State Archeologist who verified that the bones were not human, but were those of a small mammal.  The investigator notified the caller and the landowner, who was also on scene, that the remains were not human.

Sheriff Millard “Gus” Gustafson #903

Sergeant T. Hanson #90310